Dealing with incompetent managers?

I have come across Managers who evidently were so-so ICs at best and moved into Management to get out of coding and move up the ladder. Such charlatans are frustrating to deal with due to the power dynamic. They are hypocrites too - asking their reports to work on and deliver things they could never get done themselves as ICs. So - how do you deal with such incompetent managers? TC: 540K YoE: 10

Microsoft kdyndjkfvj May 8, 2021

Had some of those and literally wanted to beat them up, they were so stupid.

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Amazon Fgsjfk May 8, 2021

Sounds like my org lol

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Stitch Fix techpayyan May 8, 2021

Racist much? This is blind so, I’ll keep my hopes down.

Amazon Fgsjfk May 8, 2021

The only solution is probably to find another team or company with better managers. Those people won't change any time soon

Amazon the 4874bf May 8, 2021

You will know once you get there 😊

Datadog ppan2 May 8, 2021

Beware what you ask for. Extremely technical managers tend to micromanage your actual designs and code because they think they know better (they probably do) but don't realize that their job is to remove blockers and NOT blocking every PR or every design just because they want it different. Good management is a rare skill that both people managers and technical managers tend to lack in our industry. It takes humility, great communication skills, composure, ability to trust, ability to steer projects in the right direction, ability to keep politics out of the way of devs, coaching, mentorship and ability to adapt rapidly. Sadly I've had both people managers and technical managers who do only what they know because they don't know what good management looks like.

Google .: May 8, 2021

I like my managers' feedbacks on my designs. In return they appreciate my feedbacks on their designs.

Datadog ppan2 May 8, 2021

Feedback is good. Micromanaging and handholding for weeks on end, causing delays, and then writing that in your review as a reason for no promotion or no raise isn't.