RelationshipsOct 8, 2020
Googlercb csk

Ultimate Poll - Indian marriages satisfaction - Arranged vs Love Marriage

How satisfied are you with your partner? Was it an arranged marriage or love marriage? Very happy - you think you got pretty much the best. 80 percentile or above Regretting - just too incompatible, can't be happy with each other... Curious to know if you had a love marriage and not extremely happy with the choice. What went wrong? Did the partner change? Parents are unhappy? No bonding with family members, relatives? Also, any lessons you learnt along the way that you think you should have considered before closing your partner? If you are very happy with the partner, what were the things you looked for in the partner when choosing them? What questions and aspects you discussed before committing?

180 Participants
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Oracle l@l Oct 8, 2020

How can someone know unless they have done both arranged and love marriage to know which is better? 🤔

Google rcb csk OP Oct 8, 2020

Why do you need to compare at all. Won't you know your satisfaction level?

Amazon Fbhxhs Oct 8, 2020

What are you trying to get out of it. Each marriage is different love or arranged. So don’t go by this result to decide if you should do a love marriage or not

Santander Bank banktechie Oct 8, 2020

Useless poll.

Facebook GDhe55 Oct 10, 2020

Do you understand how data works? Your poll is useless since it ignores the most important variable - how long someone has been married.