Folks, how many years did it take for you go from 0 to 200k in net worth?

Count everything in, including: - Pre-tax retirement accounts, company sponsored or not - Company stocks that have been vested. State if can't be traded on the public market yet. - Any investment or saving accounts. Cash, bonds, equity, who knows. - Equity in real estate (i.e. property value - mortgage balance) Feel free to share how you got there (or about to get there) in the comments (TC and net worth progression over time, location, career changes, how's your lifestyle and expenses over time, other significant financial events, etc.) I can start: 3 YoE. Started from 0 and projecting to hit 200k net worth at early year 4, i.e. a low (3, 4] Location: Toronto, ON ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Gross TC: ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ$95k -> 120k -> 180k - base + equity vesting that year + any cash bonuses + employer contributions to your pre-tax account Net TC: 69k -> 84k -> 116k - This is gross TC minus all deductions that are mandatory. Deductions due to voluntary contributions to pre-tax accounts don't count. Net worth: 0 -> 35k -> 110k -> 170k Living situation: Single. Own a modest apartment on a mortgage. No car. One modest vacation per year. Eat out often. Otherwise a pretty simple but comfortable lifestyle. I ask mostly because I live in a crazy expensive city in Canada that is not a major tech-hub (hence lower wage). I'm okay with my progress so far, but still wonder how much better I would do if I move down south of the border, especially to a tech hub like the Bay Area / Seattle. I'm less concerned about the currency conversation rate than just the raw numbers.

206 Participants
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Amazon antieugen Nov 30, 2019

I have about $100k net worth but I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ll hit 200k anytime soon. Maybe 10-never years at min.

Google UwUwUwU Nov 30, 2019


Amazon antieugen Nov 30, 2019

$150k. Amazon L4, so Iโ€™m poor and stupid.

Airbnb liFu43 Nov 30, 2019

I'm at about 500k after 4 years, but it started accelerating a lot after I started really consciously saving Also, most of my equity being Microsoft stock (+ the trajectory there) helps a lot

Amazon BFI4 OP Nov 30, 2019

That's some crazy number. You're doing so well!

Airbnb liFu43 Nov 30, 2019

Thanks! It starts accelerating also as you generate investment income, haha You'll be there in no time ๐Ÿ˜„

XNBj31 Nov 30, 2019

Hit 200k+ early on with a company sale (midway through undergrad). Mid seven figures now 10 years later after 2 more company/project sales and a career change. TC and networth look like a hockey stick.

Amazon BFI4 OP Nov 30, 2019

Good for you! You're in another league ๐Ÿค‘

Google needhelp Nov 30, 2019

Yo I'm super interested, mind if I dm you?

Amazon zzbbzz Nov 30, 2019

Get outta ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ -problem solved. Seriously get the hell out of Toronto -Youโ€™ll double your salary. Current ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ TC : 120k USD New ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ TC:210 TC With better 401k(compared to RRSP),free food and better weather

Amazon ONT8 Nov 30, 2019

Are you in the process of an internal transfer within Amzn?

Amazon zzbbzz Nov 30, 2019

No just got a job elsewhere

Facebook public2 Nov 30, 2019

A few months. Luck.

E*Trade cbEV72 Nov 30, 2019

20 years