#hiring #google #facebook LinkedIn's hiring is on hold. What about other companies?
Dell is frozen. Not that anyone cares
Google is still hiring
LinkedIn interviewed me yesterday - not sure I believe this as they’re being pretty aggressive with next steps
Dafuq? This doesnt necessarily conflict with your experience? There is a reason why they are aggressive. We are still taking any interview this week but will pause starting next week.
Lmao why was this response so hostile
same here, I had back to back interviews yesterday. Waiting to hear back
Salesforce is still hiring and probably will continue to hire
My interview process went on hold a few weeks back. Is there a hiring freeze based on location or something?
To be fair, I've found that isn't uncommon when interviewing at Salesforce
Nothing that I’m aware of. Which location are you?
Uber froze hiring until the end of May. AFAIK G/F are still hiring. Can you share a bit more details on Linkedin's "hold hiring"? What's the timeline etc. and what happens to candidates already in the interview pipeline / have offers extended.
Eaton’s frozen. Not that anyone cares. At least now you know that it’s a company.
Frozen food?
I though it was a British School
Google is hiring strong
Twitter hiring still, just prioritizing some roles/teams over others
Other threads seem to mention otherwise, you sure?
yup, I can confirm. Some reprioritizing but we're definitely hiring on an ongoing basis
can confirm some weirdness too. i had one recruiter back out of a call saying hiring froze. reached out to another recruiter, got a call schedule and am in process rn
If it’s not today or tomorrow your interview will be cancelled
Facebook is not on a hold! Best time to interview for FAANG! Getting FAANG stock while the market is dropping is GOLD! when equity is on a low cycle you obtain more shares for your equity grant. And looking at FAANG companies past performances you can see how well they have done and how quickly the stock will pick back up.
Yep. Prepping for onsite right now. Hoping to on get a nicely discounted package
Signed my offer for Facebook today
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