Job market is poppin

For us younger engineers, the job and stock market have been treating us very well for our entire careers. Can the older folks provide some advice on how things are like in a downturn? What can we do now to shield ourselves (financially, job stability, etc) when the next downturn happens?

Oscar tc / gtfo Sep 30, 2018

Everyone better switch to FANNG!!!

Athenahealth šŸ‘€!-! Sep 30, 2018

Haha if everyone switch of fang, what about other company

Oath Atinlay Sep 30, 2018

Thank your president for the success and vote accordingly!

Airbnb CEODash Sep 30, 2018

Going to fang is too late dude. If you get in now, more likely your toc will suffer in the next recession. You need to get ahead of others, not following the herd. Choose a start up and retire after it 10x.

Oscar tc / gtfo Sep 30, 2018

Isnt the point of rsu is being static, unaffected by the market?

Airbnb CEODash Sep 30, 2018

No.Thatā€™s the point of TIPS bond.

LOVE22 Sep 30, 2018

Living within ones means is a rule I've lived by for decades. And has served me well.

Athenahealth šŸ‘€!-! Sep 30, 2018

What is your living within ones name

LOVE22 Sep 30, 2018

Limiting unnecessary liabilities as a starter. Having a large enough savings cushion to pay monthly obligations should one become unemployment for an extended period of time.

Oath Atinlay Sep 30, 2018

Donā€™t be like the other shitbirds on here with high TC but still carrying student debt.

eBay la-flame Sep 30, 2018

Better to carry debt if the interest is cheap. Invest your money in financial instruments that will give you a greater return

Oath Atinlay Sep 30, 2018

Itā€™s never better to carry debt

LinkedIn YVmc82 Sep 30, 2018

Pay off your debt and live below your means. Iā€™d also advise against getting underwater in a house you can only afford in a bull market.

Qualcomm robben Sep 30, 2018

when are we going to hit that recession

Google oh hello Sep 30, 2018

save as least 25% of your income into VTI/VTSAX. Whenever the recession hits, keep doing the same thing.

aLuu55 Sep 30, 2018

Itā€™s really tough to say what companies will be spared in a recession and which ones get hurt. The last recession didnā€™t really hurt tech all that much. If advertising takes a hit, Google and Facebook stand to see a huge decline in earnings. But even then, they make so much money per engineer itā€™s hard to see them making significant headcount reductions due to a temporary downturn. The companies that stand to fail the fastest are the unprofitable startups that are completely dependent on investor cash. If investors get spooked, weā€™ll see a lot of failing startups and suddenly it will become easier to hire experienced engineers. That could hurt tech salaries for sure. The worst thing you can do is have no savings to fall back on when things get tough. Make sure you have enough money in the bank to get by for at LEAST 3 months, preferably 6.