Tech IndustryApr 5, 2022

Negotiation leverage for Apple IC3/IC4

Currently in the final stages of the interviewing process for a potential IC3/IC4 FA position with Apple based in CA. I’m in the consulting industry currently with 5 YOE, MBA, and professional certification. Base salary is $130k. I also have $35k awaiting me in following months with my current employer by way of promotion bonus and bank your bonus deferral. I haven’t heard anything official just yet but I’m preparing them to offer me the IC3 compensation band ($120-$135) with RSU to not exceed $50k. Any tips of negotiating for the IC4 comp band? I’ve had 1 interview with another FAANG (no current offer tho, still in interview process) and I was told their comp band for someone of my experience is between $140-$160k base and RSU between $65-$85k. Thanks in advance! #tech

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