Uber Product manager

How easy/difficult is it to transition to PM from software engineer role at Uber?

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Amazon 007x007 Dec 26, 2017

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Uber Sentinel Dec 26, 2017

Very very easy if you can do two things: listening and communicating. That s enough. Not so easy to master quickly but can be definitely done with time. Technical knowledge should not become a baggage but should become a hidden weapon in your armor. Asking good questions always helps regardless of your role. Working well with people and being able to persuade a large group also helps.

Splunk xjdjeifkc Dec 27, 2017

Consider Product School. Great curriculum, nice community.

Uber DS Lang Dec 27, 2017

I’ve known 4 people who have done this. It’s not easy but not impossible. You need support from your manager but even more so you need a sponsor from a product director that wants to invest in you. Normally you have to prove yourself before it happens. Without that it’s quite difficult. Process is basically a 4-6 month trial as a interim pm. Once you’ve done that, you will eventually interview with that team in a smaller loop than what people go through. Then go trough the semi board. Once that’s done you will be officially a PM but there are people who will not make it even going through this process. It just really depends. But chances are if you’ve found yourself a sponsor it’s rare to see someone fail.